
Fees for twelve months will be paid on monthly basic.

The fee for the month of june is to be paid along with the fee of July.

Fee can be deposited at the school fee counter from 1st to 10th day of the month in which it is due.

Late fee will be charged at the rate of Rs 50/- for 30 days of default after the last date.

Students whose fees fall into arrears are liable to be debarred from appearing in the tests/examination.

Fee will be deposits according to the chart given below : -

Month Fee Applied
April 1 Month Fee + Admission Fee
May 1 Month Fee
July 2 Month Fee (June + July)
August 1 Month Fee
September 1 Month Fee + Half Yearly Exam Fee
October 1 Month Fee
November 2 Month Fee (November + March)
December 1 Month Fee + Annual Exam Fee
January 1 Month Fee
February 1 Month Fee